IKEA: ‘Rent'



IKEA / IntegraTED

303 Sydney
Senior Art Director
AWARDS: D&AD Yellow Pencil, Spikes Asia Grand Prix X2

The IKEA catalogue was still a really important part of the Swedish retailer’s arsenal. Research showed that once people started thumbing through one, the likelihood of them buying an IKEA product in the ensuing months went through the roof. To get people to keep the catalogue in their homes, and hopefully become a part of the statistics, we came up with a simple way to incentivize it: by paying rent. IKEA would rent the space their catalogue takes up in people’s homes, and rent would be paid in IKEA coupons. People loved the idea of being IKEA’s landlords, and the longer the catalogue stayed in their homes, the more great-value Swedish furniture they bought. Win-win.

The campaign was awarded a D&AD Yellow Pencil and two Spikes Asia Grands Prix in consecutive years, the first for creative, the second for effectiveness.

